Heidegger, management economics and corporate law to alleviate the economic crisis caused by the Sars-CoV-2 virus.
Published 2024-10-03
- Phenomenological philosophy,
- managerial economics,
- economic crisis,
- corporate law,
- politics
- solutions to the economic crisis ...More
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This article will mention relevant aspects, both of Phenomenological Philosophy, and of Managerial Economics and Corporate Law on the issue of both the health and economic crisis that companies are currently experiencing nationally and internationally, as a result of the Virus Pandemic Sars-Cov-2, but without forgetting the human aspect. At a philosophical level, the issue of care and anguish become relevant, at an economic level, to know the issue of the crisis and suggest different solutions is necessarily, and at the level of Corporate Law, to understand the contribution of politics to this branch of Law, generates an even greater relief to alleviate the current crisis.
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