Vol. 3 No. 2 (2023)

How to optimize the generation of employment with the implementation of 5G technology in Costa Rica?

Michael Valverde Romero
Universidad Latinoamericana de Ciencia y Tecnología

Published 2023-09-22


  • 5G,
  • COVID-19,
  • SMS,
  • Hub,
  • SCRUM,
  • ...More

How to Cite

Valverde Romero, M. (2023). How to optimize the generation of employment with the implementation of 5G technology in Costa Rica?. Rhombus, 3(2), 36–56. Retrieved from https://revistas.ulacit.ac.cr/index.php/rhombus/article/view/93


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This research addresses the challenges and opportunities offered by 5G technology in order to make recommendations on what should be done to make the implementation of this technology a promoter of employment in Costa Rica. In addition, it analyzes in a global context how through 5G new products and/or services can be developed to meet the needs of people and thus boost the economy of those who adopt and adapt to the new technological trends that emerge from the digital world in which we live.

This research work has a quantitative approach, which seeks to identify the relationship between the implementation of 5G with the generation of jobs in Costa Rica, considering that the scope is based on a correlative study between several variables that have in one way or another some impact between the two.

The research has a confidence level of 95 %, with a margin of error of 5 %, the sample would be 385 people to be consulted, however, only 26 % of the official sample was considered, therefore we will work with 101 people who are currently working in the national territory.


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