Impact of Telecommuting on The Dietary Habits of Employees in an Outsourcing Company in Costa Rica
Published 2025-01-20
- Telecommuting,
- Dietary habits,
- Food choices,
- Nutritional quality,
- Stress
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This study examined the impact of telecommuting on the dietary habits of employees in a service outsourcing company in Costa Rica. In response to the growth of telecommuting, it investigated how this arrangement affected nutritional quality and dietary choices. The research question focused on the impact of telecommuting on dietary habits, with specific objectives related to nutritional quality, changes in meal frequency, dietary choices, and their relationship with stress. The methodology employed a quantitative and descriptive approach, using a convenience sample of fifty employees, and data were collected through a questionnaire with closed-ended questions. The research was conducted in February 2024. The hypothesis was that telecommuting is associated with changes in dietary habits, such as a decrease in the nutritional quality of meals and variations in meal frequency. However, the findings revealed that telecommuting influences meal quality, with a widespread perception among participants of an improvement in dietary quality and a greater inclusion of healthy food groups, such as fruits and vegetables. Variations in meal frequency were recorded, with a trend towards increased intake. Additionally, a positive influence of kitchen availability at home was demonstrated, with a marked preference for homemade meal preparation. However, telecommuting-related stress had a negative impact on workers' appetite. In conclusion, this study provided a comprehensive insight into how telecommuting affects employees' dietary habits. Although significant changes were observed in dietary quality, frequency, and choices during telecommuting, they were mostly perceived as positive or neutral. Further exploration of the underlying mechanisms of these changes and the development of specific interventions to improve dietary habits during telecommuting are recommended.
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