Vol. 4 No. 2 (2024)

Knowledge Management in Projects

Published 2024-07-30


  • Benefit,
  • knowledge management,
  • project management,
  • projects,
  • business

How to Cite

Dondi Núñez, Óscar. (2024). Knowledge Management in Projects. Rhombus, 4(2), 119–144. https://doi.org/10.63058/rhombus.v4i2.228


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Optimal knowledge management represents a significant factor in accelerating completion times, achieving project success, innovation, operational efficiency and the generation of new knowledge. In such a way that the promotion of knowledge exchange practices can contribute to implementing a successful culture of knowledge management. The scope of the research is conceived to allow the interaction that knowledge management has in the success of the projects. The research answers the question: How to improve knowledge management during project management? With this study, professionals who work in project management and who need to implement actions related to knowledge management benefit. Likewise, it has a qualitative approach with an exploratory scope. The information was collected through the application of interviews with eleven professionals in project management, as well as the search for documentary references from reliable sources. Among the main findings, it is recognized that knowledge management is a key element to achieve success in projects, this largely depends on the level of culture of the organization and the formalization of practices for its promotion. In addition, it is recognized that there are various methodologies to manage projects and each of them offers the possibility of implementing formal and informal actions so that the knowledge that is being produced flows.


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