Vol. 4 No. 2 (2024)

Estudio sobre la influencia de las redes sociales en el consumo de productos nutricionales en jóvenes con edades entre 20-27 años

Published 2024-07-30

How to Cite

Salas Suárez, L., Carfantan Guerrero, D., Sánchez Chavarría, A., & Hernández, A. P. (2024). Estudio sobre la influencia de las redes sociales en el consumo de productos nutricionales en jóvenes con edades entre 20-27 años. Rhombus, 4(2), 59–84. https://doi.org/10.63058/rhombus.v4i2.227


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This research project analyzes the influence of social networks, specifically Instagram and TikTok, on the consumption of nutritional products among young Costa Ricans between 20 and 27 years old. The study delves into how images and messages about food on these platforms influence dietary decisions and the perception of nutritional products. Additionally, the project highlights the role of influencers in promoting healthy eating. Now, a mixed approach is used, combining quantitative and qualitative methods, a concurrent triangulation design (DITRIAC) and a descriptive scope to obtain a comprehensive understanding of the phenomenon. In this framework, 139 surveys and 4 interviews were applied. The results obtained provided valuable information for companies and health professionals seeking to promote healthier eating practices. From these, it was possible to understand quantitative data such as the most recognized nutritional brands by influence of Instagram and TikTok, their percentage of influence, the most influential type of content, the reasons for consumption, among others. Qualitative results were also obtained through analytical categories, subcategories and codes for each objective. These provided findings such as the most influential marketing strategies in the consumption of nutritional products, the most effective types of influencers and consumer behavior around the products purchased. Thus, this study leads to conclusions and recommendations on the impact of social networks and the need for a conscious and responsible approach to consumption, supported by expert advice


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