Published 2023-05-10
- Legal innovation,
- virtuality,
- professional profile,
- legal operations,
- project management
How to Cite
Quirós Gómez, P. J. (2023). THE VIRTUALIZATION AS AN OPPORTUNITY TO DEVELOP THE NECESSARY SKILLS AND ABILITIES FOR PROFESSIONALS IN THE AREAS OF LEGAL INNOVATION. Rhombus, 2(2), 76–95. Retrieved from https://revistas.ulacit.ac.cr/index.php/rhombus/article/view/18
Copyright (c) 2023 Universidad Latinoamericana de Ciencia y Tecnología Barrio Tournón, San José, Costa Rica
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Legal innovation recognizes disciplines such as legal project management and legal operations, in which it does not necessarily opt for strategies for implementing new technologies, which is related to the opportunity criteria represented by the virtualization of processes both at the labor level and the academic one. In the present investigation with a mixed approach, a documentary statistical analysis was conducted on the lawyer’s readiness before the digital transformation of Law, added to the expert perspective and a questionnaire with a population of advanced stages at the formative level. The results point to a growing formation of skills and capacities related to areas of innovation, but a latent lack of comprehension of them, in the face of a Costa Rican reality of basic development for these disciplines. The document ends by establishing a broader perspective on the current opportunity of virtuality as a critical formative stage toward effective digital transformation.References
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