Vol. 4 No. 1 (2024)

Active Learning in the English Teaching Major: Systematizing the Practical Application at ULACIT’s Third Quarter, 2022

Valeria Navarro Céspedes
Universidad Latinoamericana de Ciencia y Tecnología

Published 2024-01-17


  • Active learning, project-based learning, English teaching, 21st century skills, critical thinking

How to Cite

Navarro Céspedes, V. (2024). Active Learning in the English Teaching Major: Systematizing the Practical Application at ULACIT’s Third Quarter, 2022. Rhombus, 4(1), 94–108. https://doi.org/10.63058/rhombus.v4i1.170


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In a world that moves faster and faster over time and is constantly updated, it is essential that teaching and learning are not excluded from this evolution. Currently, many educational institutions remain trapped in the traditional model of education, in which everything was studied using rote memorization. Due to the current demands of society, new ways of sharing knowledge such as active learning must be considered. This educational approach has the potential to offer students a more meaningful way to acquire knowledge. It also provides the opportunity to increase the important skills of the 21st century. In these, students enhance skills such as: problem solving, the use of technology, teamwork, communication, and creativity. While systematizing the application of the method in English Teaching classes at the Latin American University of Science and Technology (ULACIT) in Costa Rica, students were encouraged to participate in a more interactive way which generated more meaningful and practical knowledge for their training and professional performance. Therefore, through the application of the method, the theory supporting the method is confirmed, which motivates even more to continue using it in educational contexts.


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