Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021)

Criptomonedas como una nueva generación de dinero a partir del año 2020

Ximena González Fajardo
Universidad Latinoamericana de Ciencia y Tecnología

Published 2021-07-19


  • Decentralization, blockchain, cryptography, bitcoin, cryptocurrencies

How to Cite

González Fajardo, X. (2021). Criptomonedas como una nueva generación de dinero a partir del año 2020. Rhombus, 1(2), 67–87. Retrieved from https://revistas.ulacit.ac.cr/index.php/rhombus/article/view/130


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Blockchain technology and its most important application; Cryptocurrencies, are revolutionizing the world. Therefore, it is necessary to identify if the Costa Rican leaders can make decisions about this matter and take the leadership to compete in a global market. The lack of knowledge generates paradigms and prejudices that can stop innovation. The survey was conducted amount Managers and Directors in Costa Rica from different areas to understand the level of knowledge and the results of the analysis revealed that the majority have heard about the bitcoin term, but they do not know how to interact with cryptocurrencies or understand how the blockchain works and off course they do not realize the way these tools contribute to the company’s optimization. The Costa Rica leaders are composed with generation X and Y members who are comfortable with the technological changes, however, the fact that some people had used the terminology to commit crimes and the lack of clarity from the government has contributed to make the subject a taboo and has blocked the interest on this matter as other countries do, such as Japan that declared bitcoin legal, or Estonia that maintains all its health, legal and property records based on blockchain technology. At some point, managers in Costa Rica will face different situations related to this topic but they are not prepared to handle it, therefore, the recommendation for them is to acquire sufficient knowledge to allow them to see the great possibilities that developed country governments and the multinationals are perceiving to avoid being out of the global competitiveness.


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