E-commerce as a strategy for business continuity during a global pandemic and its legal implications in the Costa Rican system
Published 2023-12-21
- e-commerce, strategy, pandemic, law, business.
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The implementation of e-commerce is a strategy that generates benefits for companies and consumers; among them, the continuity of businesses. This is essential due to the new global reality that results from the spread of COVID-19. Fortunately, existent technologies have made it easier, where online commercial transactions are possible. This research paper provides an overview of the relevant aspects of e-commerce, its legal regulation in Costa Rica, and the way merchants and consumers have used it during the pandemic. In the same way, it exposes experts’ understanding of the situation and shows the main challenges and progress of the Costa Rican regulatory framework. The results suggest that e-commerce will continue growing in the future; however, the country’s evolvement is relatively little. The need for a broad and clear special legislation to regulate it is evident, as well as the
generation of knowledge in the population about the rights and obligations that belong to consumers and businesses.
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