Validity of the Spanish version of the Dental Satisfaction Questionnaire in a Costa Rican population
Published 2022-12-22
- Patient satisfaction,
- questionnaire,
- validity,
- dentistry
How to Cite
López Soto, A., & Gutiérrez-Marín, N. (2022). Validity of the Spanish version of the Dental Satisfaction Questionnaire in a Costa Rican population. IDental, 14(1), 52–63. Retrieved from
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Aim: to adapt the Spanish version of the Dental Satisfaction Questionnaire for use in Costa Rica, validating its consistency and internal structure. Methods: a random sample of 250 patients treated at the School of Dentistry of the University of Costa Rica was used, to whom an-English version of the Dental Satisfaction Questionnaire was sent. Descriptive statistics were performed using the absolute and relative frequency of the sociodemographic variables. An internal consistency test was performed using a Cronbach’s Alpha reliability analysis, the item total confirmation, the reliability value if the item was eliminated, and the discrimination index was evaluated. In addition, a principal component analysis with orthogonal rotation was performed. Results: the dental satisfaction index was 98.2% and there was a statistically significant difference when it was correlated with the frequency of visits to the dentists (p=0,003). The consistency and internal structure of the questionnaire were positive. The domain of pain management was completely defined, while quality, cost, access and, and availability were partially defined. Conclusion: the Spanish version of the Dental Satisfaction Questionnaire is a valid instrument to assess patient satisfaction with dental care.References
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