Vol. 18 No. 2 (2024): Revista Derecho en Sociedad

Situación jurídica del derecho a la libertad religiosa en Cuba tras la reforma Constitucional de 2019

Published 2024-09-24


  • Cuba,
  • Constitution,
  • Communist party,
  • Religious freedom,
  • Legislation

How to Cite

Flores, T. I. (2024). Situación jurídica del derecho a la libertad religiosa en Cuba tras la reforma Constitucional de 2019. Derecho En Sociedad, 18(2), 257p – 271p. https://doi.org/10.63058/des.v18i2.248


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This article aims to provide a comprehensive examination of the legal status of religious freedom in Cuba, focusing on the 2019 constitution and related secondary laws. The goal is to evaluate the degree to which this fundamental right is protected within the Cuban legal system. The analysis covers various aspects of religious freedom, including how it interacts with and is influenced by other human rights. Although the right to religious freedom is formally acknowledged in the constitution, certain provisions place substantial restrictions on its exercise. These limitations are tied to adherence to communist principles and directives set by the Communist Party of Cuba, creating significant barriers to the full practice of religious freedom. This situation raises concerns about the Cuban government’s compliance with its international human rights obligations. By exploring these legal constraints and their impact, the article highlights the discrepancies between constitutional promises and the practical realities faced by individuals seeking to exercise their religious freedoms in Cuba.


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