Vol. 13 No. 1 (2021)
Clinical Case

Esthetic rehabilitation with lithium disilicate veneers on a patient with dental fluorosis: Case Report

Melina Patricia Saucedo Muela
Universidad de Monterrey
Sonia Segovia Benavides
Universidad de Monterrey
Nadia Villegas Martinez
Universidad de Monterrey
Alfredo Salinas Noyola
Universidad de Monterrey

Published 2021-12-20


  • Excessive gingival display,
  • Crown lengthening,
  • Dental fluorosis,
  • Aesthetics dental,
  • Veneers,
  • ...More

How to Cite

Saucedo Muela, M. P., Segovia Benavides, S., Villegas Martinez, N., & Salinas Noyola, A. (2021). Esthetic rehabilitation with lithium disilicate veneers on a patient with dental fluorosis: Case Report. IDental, 13(1). Retrieved from https://revistas.ulacit.ac.cr/index.php/iDental/article/view/46


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An excessive gingival display and dental fluorosis are an aesthetic problem of multifactorial etiology. Altered passive eruption is the result of a short clinical crown without ideal esthetic proportions and dental fluorosis is an irreversible pigmentation in the enamel structure; both compromise dental aesthetics. One of the most conservative surgical procedures is crown lengthening. It is a short and ambulatory surgical procedure, and the purpose is to discover a clinical crown. The treatment to cover dental fluorosis is determined by the degree of enamel damage, the lithium disilicate veneer is an alternative when the enamel microabrasion is not satisfactory. Both procedures are used to improve dental aesthetics. This clinical case describes the multidisciplinary correction of the altered passive eruption and generalized dental fluorosis of a 27-year-old male patient. It was decided to obtain an aesthetic result, a preprosthetic surgery was performed from premolar to premolar in the upper arch and the placement of 8 lithium disilicate veneers (E-max) digitally designed on inLab CAM by dentsply sirona. As a result, we obtained an aesthetic smile.


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